Indian traffic and streets

We landed off in time around 8 in the morning. I picked up my luggage and I moved towards the airport exit. I was few feet away from the door when my legs just stopped to move. I think I was having a panic attack.

I decided to take a seat for a while somewhere inside the airport and peering through the stained glass windows so that I could peek the situation out there.

There was a bunch of Indians waiting for people, especially tourists to step out the airport and to need a cab to reach the centre.

I knew there was a metro station near the airport and that it was much cheaper but in most of the travel blogs I read about India, they suggested to take a cab since the metro could be pretty confusing for tourists, beside the fact that the stop might be far from the place you need to reach.

Just so you know, the difference of the price between a taxi lift and a metro ticket is insane though.  I paid 2000 rupees for a taxi until my hostel and try to guess how much a metro ticket costs…20 rupees, which are about 30 cents. 

Ok, if you are better than me to bargain you can probably get a cab for less but I can assure you it’s not easy when you are still unexperienced. Drivers, especially Indians drivers are smart and know how to fool tourists. It’s their job after all!

When I finally found the brave to get out of there I got closer to a taxi driver and asked for the price. I shyly tried to bargain managing to bring the price down from 2500 to 2000. “Good job”-I said to myself without knowing that I’d paid for more than the double of the average price though.

But wait! That was not the only stupid thing I did that day eh eh… I also stopped by an agency on the way paying 1000 rupees for an Indian SIM card and spending again the double of I was supposed to. So remember, do not let your driver bring you to any agencies, go straight to your hotel or hostel and then ask to the guy at the reception that will surely give you more reliable tips!

When I finally arrived to the Gostops Delhi hostel situated in Asaf Ali Road, I dropped my backpack in my room and I went out to explore the city.

Foto of Indian locals

That afternoon I’ve been stopped by tons of random people, some who were just curious to see a blondy girl roaming alone through the streets, others who invited me to visit their shop or yet others who offered themselves to give me a ride on their motorbike.

I was so confused about what was going on… Everyone was keeping looking at me in a suspicious way and I was just walking without having a precise destination.

In every corner of the streets there were homeless people, most of which had physical deformities sitting on the floor and asking for money. I also saw many kids rooting around the garbage in the hope to find some food. My heart was not prepared to that…I was all over the place. 

After some time immersed into the insistent traffic roar and the terrible smell of those streets, I finally ended up in a touristic office that purposed me to plan my whole trip for 1400 euros.

Honestly I was really close to book it. I never felt so lost like that afternoon in New Delhi so as you can imagine the idea of having everything organized by someone else looked pretty awesome.

Luckily I refused the offer because. Firstof all, I couldn’t afford it though and mostly that was not the type of trip I was looking for!

I left the agency proud of my choice and got on the first tuk tuk that was parked nearby paying it…yeah you already know… for double than the regular price. I didn’t care! I just wanted to go back to the hostel!! 

I was tired, I was probably starting to feel the jet lag but something was telling me I had to go down in the common area and try to socialize with someone. So that’s what I did and that night I indeed met Sudip and Vikas.

They totally made my day! First of all they helped me to book a bus to Jaiupur for the following morning by using their credit card as mine seemed not to work on Indian websites. I was so glad to leave New Delhi, I had enough of that town and it was time for me to move on. I spent the rest of the evening with the guys, chatting and drinking a sort of cocktail that Sudip prepared for us.

That day I received an important lesson. I learnt that if you have the chance, push yourself to make Indian friends… I’m not saying you can trust any Indian people…especially don’t trust drivers! But one thing I’m sure about is that if you find the right persons they will definitely make your life easier because in India nothing is how it’s supposed to be, there’s always a tricky part of it!

Continue reading my Journal: My second Day in New Delhi ..good vibes only!